How do I return an item?


PROBLEMS WITH ORDER: Please inspect all parts at the time of delivery. Any problems must be reported within 72 hours of receipt. All claims of shortages must be made within 72 hours of receipt.

DAMAGED OR LOST ITEMS: If a part is lost or damaged in transit to you, please notify the carrier right away. Delivery is the responsibility of the carrier. File a damage report with the carrier and receive a claim number. If the damaged part is returned without filing a claim, the carrier will not be responsible and your loss will not be covered.

RETURNS: All parts are inspected before they leave our warehouse. Parts may be returned for a refund within 30 days of being delivered. Please contact us prior to returning the parts. A copy of the bill of sale is required for all returns. Returns may be subject to a 20% restocking charge. (This charge is not in effect if you choose to exchange for other parts). No returns on custom ordered parts. All returned items must be in original condition and in their original packaging, freight prepaid and insured.
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